Picking the contenders
After weeks and weeks of events, photoshoots, presentations, interviews, primers and such, I've come up with a final list of the TOP 15. It was very difficult to choose my list of girls, because unlike previous years, this has definitely been the MOST DIFFICULT batch of women to ever compete for the prestigious BP Pilipinas titles. I've based my list, on past trends, wtf's and unconventional results. As you know, within the past years, many women of whom were favored were completely shut out of the final line-up. Examples include:
Carisheila Kuijpers, Karla Henry, Kristelle Lazaro, Nicole Kaufmann, Patricia Francisco, Imee Martinez, just to name a few.

And obviously years, where the favorite was the winner for the title:
2000: Nina Ricci Alagao, 2004: Maricar Balagtas and 2010: Maria Venus Raj

So this list has all of those factors combined. Faves, surprises and "how in the world did she make the cut?" LOL! Regardless, there will always be a few girls that make the cut that you would never suspect...AND I do think this year will surprise many of us, in terms of who makes the semi-finalist cut. However. I think that the "favorites" will conquer the competition. With that said, let me introduce to you, my final 15:
TOP 15:
15. Suzette Hernandez
Final Analysis: I really like this girl A LOT! I youtubed her interviews as to when she took part of Mutya Ng Pilipinas, and this girl is eloquent, intelligent and well spoken. She also is very modelesque, has a workable body and knows how to carry herself. It's funny, because I tried to pinpoint why I recognized Suzette....and it turns out, I met Suzette at the VFW (Vancouver Fashion Week) Juno After-Party, and she was modeling evening gowns. These BB Pilipinas pictures don't do her any justice, because she is absolutely gorgeous in person. Some may not see her as a beauty queen per say, however, she's definitely an unconventionally, beautiful girl. Based on those factors, alone, I'm placing her in my top 15.
14. Arabella Hanesh
Final Analysis: She's exotic, unique and has a gorgeous smile. Arabella is one of the more voluptuous candidates this year, but that doesn't matter because her body is well proprtioned. I love her overall look and I woud be very surprised if she doesn't atleast, make the top 15. The way she carried that red recycled Barraza gown of Margaret Wilson and Czarina Gatbonton at World during the fashion, looked SUPERIOR on her, because the dress hugged her every curve. It looked absolutely amazing. And to top it all of, she looks like she has a fun personality. Top 15, Locked.
13. Kathleen Subijano
Final Analysis: Excellent communication skills + good body + former title holder relative (Ate Cara Subijano) = semi-finalist spot. Think about it: Bianca Manalo/Katherine Anne Manalo, Mafae Yunon/Desiree Verdadero, Regina Hahn/Chiqui Brosas...there's the trend. Aside from that, I think that Kathleen also has the determination to make the cut, which I think she will but I don't think that she will win a title. There are far too many women in the competition this year that surpass her type of beauty. But she is definitely worthy of a spot.
12. Camille Paula Figueras
Final Analysis: There's something about Camille that I don't really care for. It may be the inconsistencies in her photos, or just the fact that she looks the same in every picture. She has the height and the body, which is always a good thing, but her facial beauty, at least in my opinion, is not the strongest in the group. However, based of her performances in the past show offs/presentations, she is definitely a solid delegate and should present a strong final showing.
11. Luzelle Felipe
Final Analysis: Tall, sweet, poised and elegant, I'm a big fan of Luzelle. She looks absolutely gorgeous, but in my honest opinion, she needs more preparation. She will make her mark at BB Pilipinas 2011, by making the top 15, but she should definitely try out again in may be two years, to gain more experience. She's only 17, which I think is too young for Miss Universe..and I feel that a competition like Miss Universe or Miss International might be overwhelming, especially with some of the bitchy girls that she will have to compete against. She needs the cut-throat pageant experience, in order to stand out at the international level. Top 15, Locked.
10. Sabrinne Al-Tawil
Final Analysis: Sabrine Al-Tawil is currently in my top 10, but in all honesty, she is probably one of the most beautiful face in this year's competition. The three things I love about her: I think that she has an extremely sexy voice, which is combined with eloquence and confidence. Second, she is facially beautiful which easily makes her stand out....and three, she knows how project herself in a very appealing way. She is very likable, yet, you can see that she is determined and ready to take on the upcoming challenges. I definitely see her in the top 10, but if she does everything right, she could potentially be the next rep for either International or Universe.
9. Jenn-Roe Gubat
Final Analysis: I really love the exotic beauty of Jenn-Roe, but I don't think that she's quite ready for a title yet. She has a beautiful filipina face which will most likely be a hit in an international competition. Her body is good, but needs a little more definition and she looks like she could be about 5'9", so that's a plus. But I think that she needs more pageant experience and training. She looks to sweet..what she needs is to find the balance of beautiful face, sex appeal and confidence and those factors will take her to the top. She's definitely in. Top 10, Locked.
8. Queenierich Rehman

Final Analysis: The gorgeous, unique and talented Queenie, will make the cut. I think that a personality like hers combined with her overall packaging is a shoo-in for the final line-up, even possibly advancing to the Top 5. I've watched this girl evolve soooo much, from the very beginning of this competition to its almost conclusion and she just gives off that "subtle, yet confident" vibe. Top 10, Locked.
7. Isabella Manjon

Final Analysis: Isabella has been such a hit and miss for me, within the past month. Originally, when screening photos of her were released, I thought that she had a remarkably pretty face. Her body is okay, but needs more toning in order to be competitive at Universe. She definitely can photograph really well, and her face is stunning when the right right angles of her are taken. I do think that she should maybe wait one more year, because she comes across as a little inexperienced. But on the contrary, she's very sincere and natural that that could work in her favor. Top 10, Locked!
6. MJ Lastimosa

Final Analysis: It was hard for me to count Lastimosa out of the top 5, but I had to go with the odds. MJ obviously is one of the most beautiful delegates competing this year. She has an attractive face, an EXCELLENT BODY and the stage presence to match. I'm not as impressed by her interview skills, as I want to be, but whatever. That's not really an important factor at Miss Universe anyways. But the odds are against her, in terms of what Stella De Araneta wants as a representative. MJ is the sexiest delegate competing at BB Pilipinas this year, and that's obvious. However, given Madame's past reactions to the girls that have posed in calendars, or men's magazines (Sandra Seifert, Bianca Paz) and might I add, NOT EVEN NUDE, I wouldn't be surprised to see the gorgeous MJ, miss the cut because she is the sexiest delegate. But let me tell you, MJ deserves to be in the final line-up and this placement is based solely on past factors getting in the way of an amazing delegate. Top 10, Locked.
TOP 5:
3rd Runner Up: Jenette Noguchi

Final Analysis: Jenette is the most well spoken, and intelligent conversationalist of the bunch. She answers questions with such ease, and is able to just draw you in with her mind. She is also the tallest Binibini competing in the pageant this year. Facial beauty, she's not the best but she's still quite pretty. Body could use more fitness toning, so definition can show. And her catwalk skills need more work. However, I still think that she will basically make her way through to the top 5 because of the fact that she can communicate so well. The judges will like that and reward her for it.
2nd Runner Up: Diana Arevalo

Final Analysis: Diana Arevalo is a mixture of sweet, sexy and exotic. She's has one of the most beautiful faces in the pageant, if not the BEST. I really wish that her personality would come out more, because sometimes she seems a little timid. In terms of her catwalk, her body and her ability to shine amongst the other girls of the competition, she definitely has no problems there. Personally, I think she looks much better this year to when she competed in 2009. In terms of everything, Diana is certainly one to watch out for, because if the faves make a mistake at all, Diana could easily win the title. LOVE HER!
1st Runner Up: Shamcey Supsup

Final Analysis:Shamcey is my "back-up" winner for BB Pilipinas Universe. I think that she possesses the perfect stats for a Miss Universe candidate. She may not be of towering height, but she definitely has the face, the presence, the intelligence and the drive. Considering the fact that this is her first pageant, she has adapted so quickly with the girls that have competed in various pageants prior to BB Pilipinas. That determination proves that she wants to win and that's awesome. Aside from everything, she stands out completely, in a group and on her own. She is the favorite of many past queens for the BB Pilipinas Universe title and I would be extremely happy to see her win it. I do think that she may have to settle as a runner up, but she's more likely the one that will edge out my favorite for the main title.

Final Analysis: 1st runner up in 2010....what will her placement be in 2011. A lot of people think she's going to pull an Abigail Cruz, but in my opinion, I don't think that she will be. She's trained too hard within the past year to be shut out. She's already favored by Madame, so there's really no point in assuming that she won't place. Dianne is one of the most determined and also one of the most gorgeous! I don't think that she's ready for the Universe just yet, so if this year she only happens to end up as a runner up again, she should come back when she's 21 and should be able to easily win that Universe title. I love Dianne and I truly think that she would be an amazing representative to Miss International.

Final Analysis: What can I say? I've been on the bandwagon since she had competed at Miss Earth-Philippines....and now, especially with her current appearance, I can tell you that she's THE ONE to beat. At first , she was holding back and I thought that she was beginning top lose her momentum at BB Pilipinas. But after the Primer showcase, she just proved to me why she's my front runner. The three things about Patricia that I love are: first, her beautiful face...she's the most gorgeous, facially. Second, I think that she comes across as a natural in interview. She may not be Oprah, but she definitely knows how to keep the audience engaged in her conversation. Finally, the proof is in every photo that we've seen....She's the most photogenic delegate, she has a great body and knows how to work all of her angles AND way she does her hair. She's a total chameleon, and I think that Fadil will love taking photos of her. Overall, I think think that regardless of how tall Miss Patty is, she looks fantastic, and she 's a pageant veteran. She knows how to work her body just enough to leave an everlasting impression.
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